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LOCAL - B-N Re/Max Twin City Realtors Closes Doors

Re/Max Twin City Realtors closes doors - By Chris Anderson BLOOMINGTON “ Twin City home buyers and sellers will no longer be served by a Re/Max franchise now that Re/Max Twin City Realtors has closed. Owner/broker Pat Kaisner could not be reached for comment. Don Sutton, now a Brady Weaver GMAC branch manager, opened the franchise in 1991. He remained with Re/Max after selling the business to Kaisner in 2000. "After nine years as a broker/owner, I missed selling, and I wanted to sell. We were the No. 1 single Re/Max office in the St. Louis region in 1999 with $156 million in sales," said Sutton. "Agents slowly started leaving. A bunch left last year. It comes down to management." Sutton owns the 15,500-square-foot former Re/Max building at 2402 E. Empire St., Bloomington. The building is for sale, but some Brady Weaver GMAC agents currently occupy the first floor. Brady Weaver's headquarters remain at 2203 Eastland Drive, Bloomington.Sutton said more than 35 agents worked at Re/Max. Most have joined other Bloomington-Normal real estate firms, he said.


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