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NETR Online - Public Records and Property Data Store

NETR Online is a real estate public records and research information portal for property information, deeds & mortgage copies, tax records, parcel maps, assessment records, and public records nationwide. State and County government records may be accessed through the Public Records Online portal, and property information may be obtained through the online Property Data Store. The Public Records Online Directory is a Portal to official state web sites, and those Tax Assessors' and Recorders' offices that have developed web sites for the retrieval of available public records over the internet. For example, some Recorders' offices have marriage and birth records available online. Although not every county and parish has data online, many have home pages, and where neither is available a phone number has been provided. The NETROnline's Property Date Store bills itself as a " . . one-stop shop for real-estate information.." "We have property reports, parcel maps, document images, and more from hundreds of counties nationwide. Like having the keys to the courthouse, you can trace ownership, locate comparable properties, print deed copies, find tax information, and more. Prices for these reports and images vary with region. The best part is that there is no minimum purchases required and no subscription or connection fees."


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