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Technology - Six Leading Anti-Virus Programs Reviewed

Peter Butler, Senior Editor, CNET says, "Intrusive and aggressive spyware might be the most dangerous enemy you'll have to face on your personal PC (for now), but viruses are often the peskiest. See Jessica's blog post about World Cup worms for a current example. " Additionally, though spyware and adware have spawned a booming freeware community that offers powerful and free tools for eradicating malware, most of the quality virus protection comes with a price tag. To help you make some sense of the current batch of antivirus tools, CNET has assembled their antivirus product reviews for six of the leading antivirus programs in an easy-to-compare format. Learn which of the contenders scored the highest review and what differentiates one from another. If you enjoyed this post, subscribe and get FREE updates!


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