I've MOVED . . . Get THE SCOOP!
Blogger.com has been GREAT as a learning experience for a "Newbie Blogger" but it's time to MOVE ON! Just click the graphic above to be taken to our NEW "TypePad" platform.
I'm currently migrating MANY of the more popular topics from Apprasal News For Real Estate Professionals over to Appraisal Scoop. Our new platform allows me to catagorize blog posts so that visitors can quickly find groups of posts that are of interest to them.
Also, one of the BIG reasons for the change was to allow me to invited other Guest Authors to collaborate with me on the Appraisal Scoop. I'm in the "Alpha Testing" process right now, with only one guest blogger. Once that shakeout process is complete, I'll be inviting other Guest Authors from around the country to add their thoughts and perspectives on the real estate appraisal profession and industry.
Hopefully we'll get lenders, software developer, clients, and residential and commercial appraiser to contribute?