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Ultra Mobile PC and Apex Sketching - Next Major Technology Leap for Appraisers?

Real Estate Appraisers, as a group, have been very quick to adopt new technology. Online appraisal ordering, Internet delivery of reports (EDI), digital imaging, laser measurement of properties, and electronic data collection using hand-held Pocket PCs are but a few of the "commonplace" technologies that appraisers pioneered long before their clients were up to speed. One of the problems with emerging technologies is achieving that blend of the right hardware and the right software at the same time. For example, both appraisers and their clients can remember how digital imaging was held back because of the poor quality printers available back in the "early adopter" stage. For years, appraisers have had mobile and desktop sketching programs but the "mobile" hardware and software have never hit that "sweet-spot" where it could really take-off and be universally adopted by appraisers in the field. That's ALL about to change. After reading recent comments by Randall Garrett, CEO of Apex Software on the introduction of the UMPC (Ultra Mobile PC) and Apex's next-generation mobile sketching software, I think this combination may be leading a trend that will ultimately replace the appraiser's FAVORITE piece of equipment!
The Clipboard!
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The following comments have been snipped from Randall Garrett's post to the public Mobile Appraisers Forum.

Should I buy now?: "All that being said, I believe that we will see the UMPC replace the Pocket PC as the preferred mobile device for appraisers. Some people will still want/need a “true Tablet PC” and we are already seeing noticeable price drops in those units. You can obtain an LS800 for at least $200 less than you could a week ago, and I predict even further drops in the weeks/months ahead. Let’s face it, the typical Tablet PC is nearing where it is “yesterday’s technology” so why would you want to pay a premium for that?"

"Anyway, the 1st Generation devices are not near the device as outlined in the UM2007 vision – THAT device class is a radical departure from what is on the market today. Nevertheless, I believe that even the G1 [Generation 1] UMPC will be a compelling device for most appraisers."

What issues are there for "early adopters?: "The number one problem with them will be the screen. Next most important factor is the battery life. No manufacturer has specified whether or not they will offer a UMPC with a good indoor/outdoor screen and the battery life is comparable with today’s Tablet PC’s when you compare their capacity."

"I’m betting that a LOT of appraisers will be able to “live with” the G1 UMPC’s deficiencies given the comparatively low price. We’ve seen this over and over during the past few years. Appraisers (generally speaking) SAY they want devices that are rugged, weather-proof, fully featured, etc. But when they consider the cost, about 99% of them back off in a hurry, despite “White Papers on ROI” and all that."

"BUT, if you can wait, now is not the time to buy a Tablet PC unless you realize that there are better ones already “in the pipe” or unless not having one is costing you more money than the unit can help you make in 6 months time."

Will Apex be coming out with UMPC compatible sketching software? : "While we [Apex] still maintain a “No Vaporware” policy here, we are about to be more forthcoming with info on upcoming products. Tomorrow, we start a formal Product Announcement process. We will show and instruct people on an alpha version of a major product for us."

"This product, BTW, is not something we cooked up overnight." "It has been in development for over 4 years and pieces of it have been being used by some major players for a couple of years."

" . . .even though appraisers will see it as a “v1.0” product, it is actually quite mature – we just needed certain paths to cross to feel right about “releasing the beast” in the appraisal industry."

How soon can appraisers expect to see the NEXT version of Apex?: "We work with our Integration Partners first and the release dates are largely controlled by them – we just write the software, not market it in the traditional sense. Nevertheless, we realize that we need to be more forthcoming as many of you will be making hardware purchase decisions based on software availability. While I cannot tell you even a “close” release date for the products you might use, I can say that in more than one appraisal-related industry our other Integration Partners are planning on a mid-summer release for THEIR products. As a result, the core (and more) products will be public by then and you will start seeing info on THAT line during that time frame. I believe that the best source of info on this avenue is our web site. "

"Hopefully, this gives you enough to go on. We will be releasing more and more info in the coming months as different events happen. For now, though, the only thing I can say on our software release dates is “It’ll be ready when your forms company says it is."

For more information on UMPCs, try blogging at the


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